"Mrs Dascalu appears like a painter with a fully outlined vision, a real master of the craft' s secrets. Her palette is warm.She doesn t push nature to fit into pre-established composition schematas, but lets herself seduced by the divine miracle, evoking the Moldavian picturesque."

Gradu dan-painter and sculptor, headmaster of the Popular School of Art



"''Mrs Doina Dascalu is a true artist, a master of the landscape of Maramures, an explorer who looks in nature for chromatic harmonies, which suggest vibration for the earth 's harsh poetry.The artist's work reveals a rich inner universe. Her paintings show the minuteness of popular artisans.The palette knife technique ,which the artist uses, enhances the impression of materiality, which her canvas discloses."

Rus Alexandrina - Art Prof., Ph.D..


"Images of a bright expressivity, the composition is concentrated, of a remarkable internal logic, meant to highlight the images' symbols, translated into a dense character's emphasizing, pointing the view among faces, transforming to sensibility the the tragic graces ness of the sacrifice."

Cozmuşa Augustin - writer
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